January 3, 2008

Noodle Soup

It was freezing last night (I LOVE the cold), and when I got home I wanted something that would warm me and was fun to eat, so I threw this together and it was excellent. Also, there's none left meaning it's Boyfriend approved.

6 cups Chicken Stock
1 package Tofu (firmness of your liking, I like firm), cubed
2 bunches scallions, sliced thin (white & light green parts)
10-12 Fresh Shitake Mushrooms, sliced
1/2 inch piece of ginger
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 lime, juiced
1 Teaspoon of rice wine vinegar
1 Tablespoon veggie oil
Udon, Ramen, Soba or other noodle (I like my soup with a ton of noodles but some don't, so put in as many or as few as you'd like, just remember, the more noodles the less broth since the noodles will suck it up in order to cook. You can always add more broth if you want, just adjust the seasoning as you do)
1 Teaspoon Sesame Oil
Dash of Chili Oil (optional)

1. In a stock pot or other deep pot (or your Le Creuset Dutch Oven like moi), sauté the mushrooms and half the scallions until softened slightly, about 1 minute in the veggie oil.

2. Add stock, soy sauce, vinegar, and ginger and bring to a boil. Add noodles. When noodles are almost done, add tofu.

3. Add the lime juice and the sesame oil (taste it at this point, you might want to add more vinegar or lime to brighten it up a bit). Remove the ginger.

4. After you've put it in a bowl, sprinkle with some of the remaining scallions, and add a few dashes of the chili oil if you like (me likey!).

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