January 2, 2008

Foodie Resolutions

In honor of 2008, here are list of foodie resolutions that you are more than welcome to adopt.

1. I will open up my divine cookbooks that I love and actually make one recipe a week from them. I know I'm not the only one here -- we all have wonderful cookbooks that we simply don't use enough! So, here it is, written in cyberspace... I WILL COOK FROM MY COOKBOOKS.

2. I will eat more fish.

3. I will use an "unknown" ingredient in my cooking at least once a month. I've never used pomegranate syrup, but I'm gonna; same with Fenugreek (a spice), and stuff I find in the various ethnic markets in my 'hood.

4. I will finally go to that Yakitori place that I can't remember the name or location of (note to self, email Ayu regarding the before mentioned)

5. I will finally go to a Pinkberry to see what all the fuss is about.

6. I will finish curing my wok... or more precisely, have my boyfriend do it. (A wok must be cured with oil until it turns black before you can use it. Otherwise, the food sticks to it).

7. As soon as #6 is completed, I will use said wok.

8. I will take a food class in something I've always wanted to learn about like wine or Kim Chee 101.

9. I will learn to appreciate Rachel Ray...

10. I will IGNORE #9.

1 comment:

Melissa C Morris said...

good thing there was a #10 -- i was going to disown you for #9.